Each < doc> element contains the output of the natural language processing for one particular input document such as an email, problem ticket, CRM record, or other plain text document. 每个元素包含对一个特定输入文档,例如电子邮件、problemticket、CRM记录或其他纯文本文档进行的自然语言处理的输出。
Current mathematical theories and count practice show that the time for processing natural language exponentially increases as the complexity of the input information. 目前的数学理论和计算实践显示,自然语言处理所需要的时间随输入信息的复杂度呈指数增长。
It is found that under natural conditions, language input is characteristic of spontaneity and comprehensibility and it does not follow the natural developmental order. 指出在自然条件下,语料输入具有明显的自发性、理解性和无序性特征。
These controls produce natural language as output, rather than attempting to accept natural language as input, for database queries. 对于数据库查询,这些控件产生自然语言输出,而不是接受自然语言输入。
Through a comparative study of language input between first language acquisition and second language acquisition, some special features of natural language input have been discovered. 对比分析了第一语言习得和第二语言习得中语料输入的特点,挖掘了自然语言环境中语料输入的基本特征。
It uses knowledge representation, information search, and other natural language process technology. Auto Question Answer System uses a different way for user to search information by input natural language question, not combination of keyword. 自动问答系统综合运用了知识表示、信息检索、自然语言处理等技术,它能够使用户以自然语言输入问题,而不是关键词的组合。
In this paper we present a natural language processing approach based on fuzzy semantic recognition. The basic idea of this approach lies on that to abstract conceptual Structure that contains the semantic information from user's input on basis of semantic patterns and dialog environment. 本文提出一种基于模糊语义识别的自然语言处理方法,其基本原理是:依据特定的语言环境,利用语义模式直接从输入中提取语句的概念结构,从而获取相应的语义信息。
Features of Natural Language Input and Their Enlightenment on Foreign Language Teaching 自然语言环境中语料输入的特征及启示
The customer end module realizes the filtration of the information mainly. It carries on semantic identification of natural language sentences that user's input and makes them become keywords which computer can search. 客户端模块主要实现信息的过滤,它能够对用户输入的自然语言语句进行语义识别使之成为计算机能够检索的关键词对;
Statistical Language Model ( SLM) is fundamental to many natural language applications like automatic speech recognition, statistical machine translation, and Asian language text input. 统计语言模型(StatisticalLanguageModel:SLM)在语音识别、统计机器翻译、亚洲语言文本输入等自然语言处理应用中都有重要的应用。
In China, students generally lack a natural learning environment, so that English class is the major channel for language input. 中国学生学习英语普遍缺乏一个自然的学习环境,英语课堂是语言学习的主要渠道。
Listening is one of the primary skills in language learning, while natural language input is the most effective way of language acquisition. Along with the improvement of modern technology and multimedia, English listening teaching approaches have also made a great progress. 听是语言学习的首要途径之一,是二语学习中自然状态下语言输入的主要方式之一。随着现代科技和多媒体技术的发展,英语听力教学手段也有了长足发展。
Finally, theories of second language acquisition indicate that natural language acquisition occurs in context, and learners can acquire the language by being exposed to a significant amount of input. 最后,第二语言习得理论认为自然语言习得,产生于有上下文的语境中,学习者通过接触大量的语言输入习得语言。
Question answering system is such a system that receives the natural language question as input and returns the exact answer for the question. 自动问题回答系统是能够根据用户输入的自然语言问题返回确切答案的系统。